9 June 2021
“Seamless” MHPSS Cross Border Care: Feedback needed for a new Youth Together Initiative
In March 2021, we covened a workshop (see more in this blog) where both Syian refugee youth in Turkey and MHPSS practitioners provided feedback on a suggested prototype solution.
Based on this feedback, we designed a “Prototype B” as a suggestion for next steps. Vital to the success of the prototype is the building of a community of local and international organisations under the umbrella of the Youth Together Initiative.
The Youth Together Intiative
The Youth Together Initiative is a group of local and international organisations providing support and information to young people during and after migration. Organisations can join the initiative after a checking process to ensure they are a legitimate organisation providing good quality services. Being part of the initiative would provide youth and their families with an easy way to identify if they can trust an organisation.
You can read more on the Youth Together Initiative and the services it would provide in this report (Arabic version here).
Survey for Youth on the Move
To help us improve our prototype (proposed solution), we are kindly asking young people who have experience of migration to complete this Upinion survey.