
About us

Who are we and what do we stand for?

Our purpose

The MHPSS Collaborative is a global hub for MHPSS research, innovation, learning and advocacy. 

In the field of mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), we connect key academic and humanitarian actors with local civil society to give children and families in fragile and humanitarian settings the possibility to thrive. 

Our vision is a world that protects and cares for the mental health and wellbeing of children, youth and families. 

Our mission is to build connections, knowledge, and new ways to improve the mental health and wellbeing of children, youth and families in adversity. 

In our way of working, we CONVENE local and global actors and facilitate partnerships to engage a broad range of stakeholders, to INNOVATE solutions addressing emerging and critical challenges to child, youth and family mental health and wellbeing, and we CO-DEVELOP AND SHARE KNOWLEDGE, advancing local-to-global learning and evidence for better practice, to INFLUENCE donors and decision-makers to invest in multisectoral MHPSS as a life-saving measure. 

Our ways of working are always underpinned by these cross-cutting principles: 

  • Adolescent & youth engagement and participation   
  • Whole family approaches 
  • Capacity strengthening 

Our Values

Collective Action​ 






Our partnerships

We are hosted and funded by

The MHPSS Collaborative is hosted by Save the Children, sharing a location in its offices in Copenhagen, Denmark. We are grateful to Danida for providing the seed funding for our core activities and existence. Danida is Denmark’s development cooperation, an area of activity under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.

Current and former partnerships

Working in partnership is one of our core values. We are proud to have current and past partnerships with these outstanding entities, working together to solve critical issues for child and family mental health and psychosocial wellbeing.