
Y!Participate – Informed actions, meaningful connections

Y!Participate uniquely positions itself as a global initiative dedicated to enhancing meaningful participation among young advocates on issues related to their wellbeing. This initiative was co-created with youth, providing a dual approach: on one hand, it opens avenues for young people to access engagement opportunities and resources to enhance their capacity; on the other hand, it offers engaging entities a suite of simplified, effective strategies (‘recipes’) for involving young people meaningfully as well as a platform to reach a diverse group of young people looking to engage in their work. Through focus group discussions and collaborative workshops with young people and people that work with them, Y!Participate has been tailored to meet the specific needs and aspirations of young individuals and organizations alike. 

Why is this initiative necessary? 

Y!Participate emerges as a crucial initiative at a time when the essence of meaningful youth participation is often overshadowed by challenges such as limited access to engagement platforms, inadequate resources, and scarce opportunities for skill development. These barriers hinder young advocates from making effective contributions, leaving their unique perspectives and innovative solutions untapped in initiatives related to their wellbeing. Additionally, many organizations face difficulties in engaging young people in non-tokenistic ways due to a lack of specialized knowledge and resources, coupled with the absence of a centralized platform for easily accessible, tailored information on youth engagement. Recognizing these gaps, Y!Participate aims to foster an environment where the contributions of young people are not only valued but are instrumental in shaping decisions that impact their lives and wellbeing. 

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Meet the Youth Expert Advisors

Alex Lew Wenjie

Alex Lew’s diverse climate activism spans grassroots efforts to international negotiations, reflecting his deep commitment. He emphasizes leveraging Southeast Asian cultural wisdom in climate action, evident in his roles at SEACHA and as a youth speaker. Addressing climate misinformation challenges in Thailand and Singapore, he advocates for informed policy responses. His leadership roles in youth partnerships and at the Salzburg Global Seminar highlight collaboration for sustainability. As a rapporteur at COP27, he amplifies youth voices in global climate talks. Professionally, through Environman Thailand-Singapore, he bridges sustainability and economics via innovative solutions like B2C Carbon Trading, showcasing a comprehensive approach. 

Sharon Sitania

Sharon Sitania is an undergraduate Law student at the University of Indonesia focusing on Social Legal Sciences. She is also a passionate mental health advocate experienced in youth-led Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) at Self Love Warrior Indonesia and a Young Leader for UNICEF x AstraZeneca 2021/2022 as the representative of Indonesia’s youth. Highly engaged in community services and advocacy activities, she aims to include mental health inclusivity in Indonesia’s public policies across sectors in the future. 

Seluleko Celucolo Simelane

Seluleko is a practitioner in comprehensive sexuality and life skills education. He has a rich history of service within various organizations. Seluleko started as a peer educator in the Youth Action Movement under the Family Life Association of Eswatini, where he focused on sexual reproductive health and rights advocacy. later, he became the Youth Affairs Advocate, handling tasks such as developing project concepts, managing funds, and representing youth in local and international forums. Currently, Seluleko is serving as one of 15 Youth Ambassadors within the EU Youth Advisory Board in Eswatini. Through this role, he contributes insights into strategic decision-making and youth-related policies. His passion for humanitarian efforts extends to social accountability monitoring for youth SRH rights and mental health initiatives.

Alisha Arora

Alisha is an AI for good change maker, philanthropist and women’s health advocate. Serves as the UNICEF youth ambassador for mental health and technology. Currently working on leveraging machine learning to prevent suicide. She is also the Co-Founder of The HopeSisters which is a non-profit organization founded by her sister and Alisha where they strive to spread hope to vulnerable people. Alisha’s passion for Female Care and Technology has led her to be the youngest intern at Procter & Gamble where she is working on the Always YOU App and the future of personalized health. Her mission is to help solve the world’s biggest problems using emerging technologies. Innovating technologies to disrupt industries including, energy, healthcare & mental health.

Nadia Kun

Nadia Kun is an advocate and volunteer with various NGOs with a law degree from the University of Papua New Guinea. Nadia is passionate about mental health and wellbeing and meaningful youth engagement. She has been involved in various activities aimed at addressing social issues within her country, East Asia and the Pacific region. As a passionate advocate for mental health and wellbeing and meaningful youth engagement, Nadia’s engagement in the Y!Participate project will contribute significantly to enhancing and strengthening the meaningful participation of young people in mental health and wellbeing initiatives.